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A beginners guide to Access Control​

A Beginners Guide To Paxton Access Control

Access control systems are designed to provide security, convenience, and ease of management to different types of properties, from small businesses to large corporations, government buildings, and residential properties. Paxton is one of the leading brands in the access control industry, providing a range of solutions that cater to the needs of different clients. In this blog, we will discuss the various types of Paxton access control systems available in the market.

Different types of Paxton access control for small businesses

  1. Standalone access control systems: These are ideal for small businesses that require basic access control features. Standalone systems do not require any software or network infrastructure and are easy to install and manage.

  2. Networked access control systems: These systems are designed for large corporations and businesses with multiple sites. Networked systems allow for centralised management across different locations.

  3. Cloud-based access control systems: These systems provide remote access to the system through a web browser or mobile app. Cloud-based systems are ideal for businesses with multiple locations or remote workers.

  4. Wireless access control systems: These systems are designed for flexibility and ease of installation. Wireless systems are ideal for buildings with complex layouts or where running wires is not feasible.

  5. Biometric systems: These systems use biometric technology such as fingerprints or facial recognition to verify a person’s identity. Biometric systems offer higher security levels than traditional systems.

  6. Mobile-based systems: These systems use a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet as an access credential. Mobile-based systems are convenient and allow for easy management of access control.

  7. IP-based access control systems: These systems use an internet protocol (IP) network to connect to the security system. IP-based systems are scalable and can be easily integrated with other security systems.

Paxton access control systems for large corporations

Large corporations require a high level of security to ensure the protection of their assets, employees, and visitors. Paxton Systems offer a comprehensive solution that provides corporations with a customisable, reliable, and efficient security system.



One of the key advantages of Paxton Systems for large corporations is their scalability. Accommodate multiple access points and users across multiple buildings, floors, and locations. Additionally, scalability provides large corporations with the flexibility to expand or modify security systems as their needs change without incurring significant costs or causing disruptions to their operations.

Furthermore, the systems can integrate with various security technologies, including biometric, RFID, and PIN codes, making it easy to incorporate the system into the corporation’s existing security infrastructure. Additionally, Paxton Systems can integrate with building management systems, CCTV, and alarm systems, providing a centralised solution that simplifies management and maintenance.

The system also offers real-time monitoring and reporting, ensuring administrators have complete visibility of who is accessing restricted areas at any given time. Integrate your CCTV, alarms, and alerts, providing an added layer of security that ensures unauthorised access attempts are detected and addressed quickly.

Selecting a suitable system

When selecting a suitable system for their corporation, owners should consider their specific security needs, budget, scalability, integration with existing systems, and compliance requirements. Paxton Systems offer a customisable solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of large corporations. Additionally, they comply with international standards, including GDPR, ensuring corporations remain compliant with data protection regulations.

Paxton Access Systems provide large corporations with a comprehensive, customisable, and reliable security solution. By investing in an access control system, corporations can help protect their assets, employees, and visitors, and secure their business. Additionally, the scalability, integration capabilities, and advanced security features make Paxton Access Control Systems an excellent choice for large corporations.

Top-rated Paxton access control systems for government buildings

Government buildings require a high level of security to protect sensitive information, critical infrastructure, and public safety. Paxton offers a comprehensive, customisable, and reliable solution for government buildings.



These systems can accommodate multiple access points and users across multiple buildings and floors. Furthermore, Government buildings can implement a customised solution that integrates with their existing systems, technologies, and processes, without incurring significant costs or causing disruptions to their operations.

Another significant advantage of Paxton for government buildings is their ease of use. They are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive with simple and straightforward interfaces. Then, this enables security personnel to monitor and manage the security system easily. Centralised management software allows administrators to manage this across multiple sites, providing real-time monitoring and reporting. Simplify your administration and maintenance.

The systems offer a range of authentication methods, including biometric, RFID, and PIN codes, ensuring the highest level of security for restricted areas. The systems also come with integrated CCTV, alarms, and alerts, providing an added layer of security that ensures unauthorised access attempts are detected and addressed quickly.


Selecting a suitable system

When selecting a system for their government building, owners should consider their specific security needs, budget, scalability, ease of use, and integration with existing systems. This comprehensive solution can be customised to meet the specific needs of government buildings. This ensures a seamless and efficient flow of employees and visitors while maintaining a high level of security.

In addition to these advantages, they also comply with international standards, including GDPR and ISO 27001, ensuring that government buildings remain compliant with data protection regulations.

Best Paxton access control systems for residential properties

Residential properties require a security system that is reliable, easy to use, and customisable to fit the specific needs of each homeowner. Paxton Systems offer a range of solutions that provide residential property owners with a comprehensive and efficient security solution.


Finding the right system

Here are some of the best Systems for residential properties:

  1. Net2 Entry – This system is designed for single door access control. It provides a customisable solution for residential properties. The Net2 Entry system features a range of authentication methods, including RFID and PIN codes, and comes with a user-friendly interface that allows homeowners to manage access control with ease.

  2. Net2 Plus – This system is designed for multi door access control and provides a scalable solution for larger residential properties. The Net2 Plus system allows homeowners to manage security across multiple doors, buildings, and locations, and features a range of authentication methods, including biometric, RFID, and PIN codes.

  3. Net2 PaxLock – This system is designed for use with existing door locks, providing an easy-to-install and cost-effective solution for residential properties. The Net2 PaxLock system features a range of authentication methods, including RFID and PIN codes, and can be easily integrated with other Paxton Access Control Systems.

  4. Net2 Anywhere – This system allows homeowners to manage their access control systems remotely, providing added convenience and peace of mind. The Net2 Anywhere system features a user-friendly interface that can be accessed from any device, allowing homeowners to manage access control from anywhere.


Selecting a suitable system

When selecting a system for their residential property, homeowners should consider their specific security needs, budget, and ease of use. Paxton offers a customisable solution that is able to be tailored to individual residential properties. A seamless and efficient flow of family members, guests, and service providers while maintaining a high level of security.

These Systems provide residential property owners with a reliable, efficient, and customisable security solution. By investing in an access control system, homeowners can help protect their assets and gain peace of mind knowing that their property is secure. The systems’ scalability, ease of use, and range of authentication methods make Paxton Access Control Systems an excellent choice for residential properties.

Affordable Paxton access control systems for small businesses

Small businesses face unique security challenges, such as limited budgets and resources, making it crucial to implement efficient and effective security measures. Security systems are a crucial part of small business security. This provides control over who has access to specific areas of the premises and preventing unauthorised entry. Paxton Systems offer an affordable, flexible, and user-friendly solution for small businesses.


The Benefits of Paxton

One of the key benefits for small businesses is the ease of use. With simple and straightforward interfaces, operating the systems without technical expertise is easy. The intuitive interface and user manuals make it easy to manage access control.

Another significant advantage is the affordability. These systems are competitively priced, making them accessible for small businesses that operate on limited budgets. Additionally, the modular design of the systems allows small businesses to pay for the features they need, keeping costs down.

Scalability is another strength, small businesses can expand the systems as they grow. Add more doors, access points, and users to the system as required. This flexibility ensures that small businesses can benefit from top-of-the-line security solutions as they expand their operations.

Additionally, the systems come with integrated CCTV, allowing small business owners to monitor who is accessing their premises in real-time. The systems also come with alarms and alerts that notify owners when someone tries to gain unauthorised access to their property, providing an added layer of security.


Selecting a suitable system

When selecting an access control system for their small business, owners should consider their budget, specific security needs, ease of use, and scalability. Paxton offers affordable, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that can be customised to meet the needs of small businesses.

Cloud-based Paxton access control systems for remote access

Cloud-based Systems are an excellent choice if you require remote access to their security systems. These systems offer a range of benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability, and ease of management.



Here are some of the key advantages of cloud-based Paxton Systems for remote access:

  1. Increased flexibility: Cloud-based systems allow remote access to the security system from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that businesses and organisations can manage their security remotely. Whether they will be on-site or off-site, providing increased flexibility for employees and contractors.

  2. Scalability: Cloud-based systems are highly scalable and can accommodate multiple access points and users across multiple locations. This provides the flexibility to expand or modify access control to meet the changing needs of the business or organisation.

  3. Ease of management: Cloud-based systems can be managed through a centralised management software. Administrators have access to real-time monitoring and reporting. This simplifies administration and maintenance and provides a streamlined management experience for remote users.

  4. Security: Cloud-based systems offer advanced security features, such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and firewalls, ensuring the highest level of security for remote access.

Selecting a suitable system

When selecting a cloud-based System for remote access, businesses and organisations should consider their specific security needs, budget, and ease of use. Paxton Access Control Systems offer a range of cloud-based solutions. These can be tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and organisations. Ensure a seamless and efficient flow of employees and visitors while maintaining a high level of security.

Cloud-based can provide businesses and organisations with a reliable, efficient, and customisable security solution for remote access. By investing in a cloud-based system, businesses and organisations can help protect their assets, employees, and visitors, and gain peace of mind knowing that their business is secure. The systems’ scalability, ease of management, and advanced security features make cloud-based Paxton Systems an excellent choice for businesses and organisations that require remote access to their security systems.

Wireless Paxton Access Control Systems for Flexibility

Wireless Access Control Systems are an excellent choice for businesses and organisations that require flexible access control solutions. These systems offer a range of benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability, and ease of installation.



  1. Increased flexibility – Wireless systems allow access control to be deployed in areas where wired access control is not practical or possible. This provides increased flexibility for businesses and organisations to secure their premises. Additionally, managing access control across multiple locations is easier.

  2. Scalability – Wireless systems are highly scalable and can accommodate multiple access points and users across multiple locations. This provides the flexibility to expand or modify access control to meet the changing needs of the business or organisation.

  3. Ease of installation – Wireless systems are easy to install and require minimal disruption to existing infrastructure. This makes them an excellent choice for businesses and organisations that require a quick and efficient installation process.

  4. Security – Wireless systems offer advanced security features, such as encryption and secure wireless communication protocols, ensuring the highest level of security for access control.

Selecting a suitable system

When selecting a wireless Paxton system for flexibility, businesses and organisations should consider their specific security needs, budget, and ease of use. Paxton systems offer a range of wireless solutions that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and organisations. Ensure a seamless and efficient flow of employees and visitors while maintaining a high level of security.

Wireless Paxton systems provide businesses and organisations with a reliable, efficient, and customisable security solution for flexible access control. By investing in a wireless system, businesses and organisations can help protect their assets, employees, and visitors, and gain peace of mind knowing that their premises are secure. The scalability, ease of installation, and advanced security features make wireless these systems an excellent choice for businesses and organisations that require flexible access control solutions.

Biometric Paxton access control systems for added security

Security systems have become an integral part of modern security solutions, as they help restrict access to certain areas within a building, and prevent unauthorised entry. With advancements in technology, biometric access control systems have become increasingly popular.


What is the Paxton access control system?

The Paxton system is a biometric security solution that uses fingerprint recognition technology to grant access to secure areas. It is designed to provide secure and reliable access control for a range of buildings, from small offices to large commercial premises.


How does the Paxton access control system work?

The Paxton system uses fingerprint recognition technology to authenticate users. The system stores users’ biometric data, such as their fingerprints, in a secure database. When a user presents their fingerprint to the system, it compares the fingerprint to the stored biometric data to determine if access should be granted.

The system can be set up to restrict access to certain areas of a building based on the user’s level of authorisation. For example, a user with administrative privileges may be granted access to all areas of the building, while a visitor may only be granted access to certain designated areas.


What are the benefits of the Paxton access control system?

  1. Enhanced security

The system provides a high level of security, as it uses biometric data to authenticate users. This ensures that only authorised personnel are granted access to secure areas.

  1. Convenience

The system eliminates the need for traditional key-based access control systems, which can be lost, stolen or copied. Instead, users simply need to present their fingerprint to gain access, making the process quick and convenient.

  1. Easy to use

The system is easy to use and can be quickly and easily integrated into existing security infrastructure. It also allows for easy administration of access permissions, making it simple to manage who has access to which areas of the building.

  1. Audit trail

The system provides a comprehensive audit trail, allowing for detailed analysis of who has accessed secure areas and when.

  1. Scalability

The security system can be easily scaled up or down, making it suitable for buildings of all sizes.


This is a reliable and secure biometric solution for controlling access to secure areas within a building. It provides a range of benefits, including enhanced security, convenience, easy administration, audit trails and scalability. It’s ideal if you are looking to implement a biometric access control system in your building.

Mobile-based Paxton access control systems for convenience

Security systems have become an essential part of modern security infrastructure, providing reliable protection for restricted areas in a building. With the advancement of mobile technology, mobile-based access control systems have become increasingly popular, offering enhanced convenience and flexibility. One such system is the mobile-based Paxton access control system.

What is a Mobile-based Paxton access control system?

The mobile-based Paxton system is a biometric security solution that uses mobile devices to authenticate users and grant access to secure areas. It offers a convenient way to manage access control for a range of buildings, from small offices to large commercial premises.

How does the Mobile-based Paxton access control system work?

The mobile-based Paxton system uses a mobile app to authenticate users. The system stores users’ biometric data, such as their fingerprints, in a secure database. When a user opens the mobile app and presents their fingerprint, the system compares the fingerprint to the stored biometric data to determine if access should be granted.

The system can be set up to restrict access to certain areas of a building based on the user’s level of authorisation. A user with administrative privileges may be granted access to all areas of the building, while a visitor may only be granted access to certain designated areas.

What are the benefits of the Mobile-based Paxton access control system?

  1. Enhanced convenience

The mobile-based security system eliminates the need for traditional key-based access control systems, which can be lost, stolen or copied. Instead, users can gain access to secure areas through their mobile device, making the process quick and convenient.

  1. Real-time monitoring

The mobile-based Paxton system allows for real-time monitoring of who has accessed secure areas and when. This can help security personnel quickly detect any potential security breaches.

  1. Easy to use

The system is easy to use and can be quickly and easily integrated into existing security infrastructure. It also allows for easy administration of access permissions, making it simple to manage who has access to which areas of the building.

  1. Scalability

The mobile-based Paxton access control system can be easily scaled up or down, making it suitable for buildings of all sizes.

  1. Enhanced security

The mobile-based security system provides a high level of security, as it uses biometric data to authenticate users. This ensures that only authorised personnel are granted access to secure areas.


The mobile-based system is a reliable and secure biometric solution for controlling access to secure areas within a building. It offers enhanced convenience, real-time monitoring, ease of use, scalability and enhanced security.

IP-based Paxton access control systems for scalability

Access systems are an integral part of modern security infrastructure. They are designed to provide reliable protection for restricted areas within a building. With the advancement of technology, IP-based access control systems have become increasingly popular, offering enhanced scalability and flexibility. One such system is the IP-based Paxton access control system.


What is an IP-based Paxton access control system?

The IP-based Paxton system is a biometric security solution that uses IP networks to authenticate users and grant access to secure areas. It offers a flexible way to manage access control for a range of buildings, from small offices to large commercial premises.


Selecting a suitable system

How does the IP-based Paxton system work?

The IP-based system uses IP networks to authenticate users. The system stores users’ biometric data, such as their fingerprints, in a secure database. When a user presents their biometric data, the system compares it to the stored data to determine if access should be granted.

The system can be set up to restrict access to certain areas of a building based on the user’s level of authorisation. For example, a user with administrative privileges may be granted access to all areas of the building, while a visitor may only be granted access to certain designated areas.


Selecting a suitable system

What are the benefits of the IP-based system?

  1. Enhanced scalability

The IP-based Paxton system offers enhanced scalability, as it can be easily expanded to meet the changing needs of a building. Additionally, the system can be integrated with existing IP networks, making it easier to manage and monitor access control across multiple locations.

  1. Remote management

The IP-based security system can be managed remotely, providing greater flexibility and control. This means authorised personnel can manage access permissions and monitor activity from any location with internet access.

  1. Real-time monitoring

The IP-based Paxton system allows for real-time monitoring of who has accessed secure areas and when. This can help security personnel quickly detect any potential security breaches.

  1. Enhanced security

The IP-based Paxton access control system provides a high level of security, as it uses biometric data to authenticate users. This ensures that only authorised personnel are granted access to secure areas.

  1. Easy to use

The system is easy to use and can be quickly and easily integrated into existing security infrastructure. It also allows for easy administration of access permissions, making it simple to manage who has access to which areas of the building.


The IP-based Paxton access control system is a reliable and secure biometric solution for controlling access to secure areas within a building. It offers enhanced scalability, remote management, real-time monitoring, enhanced security, and ease of use. If you are looking to implement an IP-based biometric access control system in your building, Paxton is definitely worth considering.

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